Lash FAQ

+ how do i prep for my appointment?

  • Fill out any relevent forms prior to your appointment.
  • Be sure to avoid caffeine immediately prior to your appointment, as it can cause your eyes to flutter, resulting in appointment reschedule, or less full lashes (depending on severity of fluttering). Fluttering can also cause fumes to enter the eyes and cause irritation and watering. If you are sensitive to caffeine, avoid it anytime before your appointment. Not having caffeine can also help you nap!
  • Turn your phone to silent, or off completely! Nothing worse than hearing your phone go off and not knowing who it is. This can cause minor anxiety and make yor eyes flutter, which can lead to improper application (read: poor retention) or my having to stop lashing all together. Turn it off and relax -you deserve it! I have a UV Sanitizer you can pop your phone into, as well as chargers of all types.
  • Come with squeaky clean lashes and eyelids, any dirt, debris or makeup residue can affect the bond (which results in less than stellar retention). Your eyes will be cleansed prior to appication, but any need to remove makeup (fresh or old) will take up valuable time that would otherwise be spent lashing.
  • Spit out any gum prior to entering, or in the bathroom. I have mints if you need one!
  • Bring headphones! Taking the time to relax and nap can help both of us. It can allow me to apply every lash properly, and get you to the ideal fullness, as well as help your appointment go by faster -especially for Full Sets!
  • Dress in comfy clothes. You will be laying down for quite awhile. Wear slip on shoes, or something easy to take off, you will need to remove your shoes when entering my studio.
  • Trust in my expertise - I may suggest a different style than what you think you may want. Or decline to do certain styles or lengths on you. The goal is to enhance your eyes and maintain the health of your lashes, and I have taken many courses on how to do so (and have 6+ years experience). Lash health and integrity is my number one priority.
  • Understand you will have aftercare instructions to follow, and neglecting to do so will result in poor retention, and possible natural lash loss. I suggest cleansing your lashes while you wash your face, that way it doesnt feel like an extra step. Be sure to restock on lash cleanser when you're running low!
  • Read my policies and ask any questions you may have prior to appointment.

+ Do you have color lashes?

I currently carry black, dark brown, light brown, pink, purple, blue, green, UV activated neon green, teal, red, orange and I even have glitter! I am also able to order basically every color of the rainbow! We can do a pop of color or a full colored set! While the most popular choice is black, the options are endless! If you wish to add color to your set, please let me know ahead of time so I can make sure I have adequate stock of the chosen color or glitter. If you see a picture you like of someone wearing colored extensions, screen shot it and send it my way! You can also show me when you come in for your appointment, but saving any inspiration pics you may have can help me see your vision!

+ How long is the service?

Service times will vary from service to service, but for Full Sets expect to be napping for at least 1.5 hours (Classic Full Set) up to 3 hours (Mega Volume Full Sets). Fills are a little shorter, ranging from 1 hour (Classic Fill) to 1 hour and 45 minutes (Volume and Mega Volume Fill). Mini fills range from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Extended fills are also available, with an additional 30 minutes to fill times. If you wish to have extra time for your service, please select the "I need extra time" add on during booking. Keep in mind that not everyone will need the full time allotted, and others will need extra time as everyones lash line is different. Any add on services such as brow waxing will add additional time.

+ Can you help me pick what lashes would be best for me?

Sure thing! During every Full Set I do a thorough and personalized consultation, where I will take a headshot style photo (if you did not upload one during the booking process) and we discuss what you are looking for in lash extensions. We will go over shaping for your eye shape, length, curl and desired over-all look. Bringing in (or uploading/sending beforehand) pictures can assist in the process, although doing so does not mean that you will get the exact look. Everyone has different lashes, and different eye shapes. What looks good on me, may not look good on you! The photo we take or is uploaded prior to the treatment will assist in giving you the best look for your face. Consultations are also available, and are great if you aren't sure what you want to book and want an opinion before booking your Full Set. That means your set is completely bespoke and tailored for you and you only! How cool is that??

+ Are your products latex free?

Yes! Latex is a very common allergy, so to make lash extensions available to everyone, I try to avoid any common allergens, such as latex or formaldehyde. (Please note that since I source my supplies from different companies, their products may change without notice. I will do my best to ensure products used will continue to be latex free, but cannot guarantee that to be true forever.)

+ What if I think I'm having a reaction?

You can develop an allergy to anything at any time, it can even happen if you've been getting lashes done for years! Allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) can present themselves as swelling, redness, itchiness, and in some cases pain. An allergic reaction is not the same as an infection. If you think you are having a reaction to the adhesive, please contact a medical professional to confirm. *Please note that I am not a medical professional and diagnosing or treating an allergic reaction is out of my scope of practices.*

If you have had an allergic reaction (current or past) services may be denied due to risk of worsening the reaction. Removals may be granted complementary, dependent on severity of reaction. Removals use a chemical process and may agitate the condition. If removal is denied, please allow reaction to subside (usually occurs within 72 hours) and book a removal at that time. Please consult your physician.

+ How often should I get fills?

In general fills should be done with in 14-21 days since last appointment, to maintain an ideal look. You lose between 1-5 natural lashes PER DAY (some days you won't lose any, and some you will lose more).

For example if you lose 3 lashes per day you can lose:

21 in 1 week,

42 in 2 weeks

63 lashes in 3-weeks

And those numbers are for on one eye alone.

This is based on your natural lash cycle. The average growth cycle is around 90 days, and every individual lash is on a different cycle. In order to maintain an ideal look, you should come in for a fill no more than 14 days (Classic and Hybrid) to 21 days (Volume and Mega Volume) to get back to your ideal lash fullness in the time alloted. Everybody is different, so some may hold on to their lashes longer, while other may lose them faster.

Retention depends on several factors: lash cycles, lash hair type, proper aftercare and oiliness. The finer texture or faster your lashes grow means your retention will be shorter (even with proper aftercare). Thicker or slower growing lashes means your retention will be longer (especially with proper aftercare). If you happen to have finer lashes with a longer growth cycle, then you can expect longer lasting lashes, as long as proper aftercare is used and properly weighted lashes are applied. On the other hand, if you have thicker, coarse lashes but also have a faster growth cycle, then your retention may not be ideal. We can discuss reasons why your lashes may not be lasting, and find a way to increase your retention. This may involve either different lashes being applied, different prep steps I take before lashing you or shortening time between your appointments.

Extended fills are available. If you don't have extra time, but want them extra full try adding Volume to your service! If you already get Volume, Mega Volume is the best service to get more bang for your time. Another thing to consider when wondering why your lashes aren't lasting as long as you wish they would is after care! Are you following the recommended aftercare provided after your service?

+ What is the proper after care for lashes?

  • You are able to get them wet immediately your service, however you will want to pat dry and avoid letting them stay wet.

  • Avoid any oil based products around your eyes and lash extensions - this means eye makeup, SPF, setting sprays, skin care, etc. If it has oils, avoid it -

  • Do not rub your eyes (can break or damage your natural lashes!)

  • Do not pick or pull them! (For the sake of your lash health, it will break and damage them just like rubbing)

  • Avoid exposing them to excess heat! Heat can and will singe the tips as well as make them lose their curl!

  • Cleanse them with an approved oil free lash cleanser at least once daily. Even if you've already cleansed them, or are planning to cleanse them later in the day, cleanse them immediately after you exercise, swim in chlorine or salt water, or cry. Cleansing your lashes ensures healthy lashes and lash line, as well as maximumizes retention. Lashbox Bubble Shampoo and Lash Nirvana Lash Bath are carried in studio individually or in an After Care Kit that contains all you need for proper maintenance.

  • Brush them when you wake up and any time you cleanse or get them wet - pat them dry first if they are wet - (Keeps them nice and fluffy and separated)

  • Book fills as recommended. If you lose more than usual, please add the "I Need Extra Time" add on when booking.

  • Enjoy never having to wear mascara again! (Although, I do carry a fabulous lower lash mascara that is extension friendly if you decide to be a little extra ;)

    (Download After Care Here)

+ How do I know if my products are oil free?

Check your product ingredient labels! The first thing to be on the look out for is the label stating "oil free" somewhere on the product. If it's on the label, great! You can likely continue to use it! Be sure to check the first 5 or 6 ingredients on the label just to be safe. The first 5-6 ingredients comprise about 80% of the product and if any of those ingredients are oils, stay away! If there is an oil lower on the list (towards the end), it should be okay to use since the amount is such a small percentage of the total ingredients. If you still aren't sure, Google is your best friend! Search "Is 'X Product' oil free?" If you still aren't sure, it's best to avoid it on or around the eyes, just to be safe.

+ Do you accept guests who currently have lash extensions on from another lash artist?

YES! Guests with existing extensions are welcome, depending on schedule availability. However, please book as a New Guest Fill. Extra time is needed when you are coming from another artist, as time is needed to have a consultation and perform a quality check on the existing lashes. If existing lashes are not up to par, a lash removal and new set will be required for the appropriate cost. You will always be consulted on this before any removal is done, and can opt out of the removal. If you do opt out, services will not be able to be provided. If lash application is up to par, then a fill will be performed. If you do not book a New Guest fill, and your lashes are up to standard, then your lashes will be filled with the remaining alloted time. If lashes are unable to be filled completely, you are able to schedule a mini fill (at a later date and time, depending on schedule) to gain that extra time. *(if you do not book as a "New Guest Fill" the "New Guest" price still applies.)

+ Why do my lashes seem to fall out quicker in Spring and Fall?

Don't worry lash addicts, this is extremely normal if you're following aftercare and not experiencing excess stress or hormonal imbalances. Nothing is wrong with your natural lashes or the products being used! Eyelashes grow very fast compared to many others in the body. The full cycle of growth in an eyelash, from the time it starts growing to the time it falls out, can last anywhere from four to eight weeks on average. What we tend to notice more in spring and fall is a Cyclical Lash Shed.

This particular kind of shedding happens every 3-4 ish months, (every lash line is different so it may vary for you). This happens for everybody, but many find that it occurs as the seasons change due to the 3-4 month cycle. It is a much heavier shed than the usual 1-5 lashes per day, and can feel like all of your lashes are falling out. Cyclical sheds are essentially when more of your lashes enter the ‘resting’ or telogen phase around the same time, where your lash has stopped growing and is waiting to reach its natural death or ‘shedding’ phase. It’s not all a bad thing though! It means more healthy baby lashes, which will grow into strong, extension-ready beauties.

+ How do I remove lashes at home?

The simple answer is... You don't! Removing lashes at home can be damaging to your lashes, and can either pull out your precious lashes, cause breakage, or lead to eye irritation from products used. A lash removal is a fairly quick service (no more than 30 mins) that should be done by a professional with a professional remover. Oils themselves won't remove all of the lashes or adhesive. Oils can loosen up the bond that holds the lash extensions to your natural lashes, and causes them to fall off without the natural lash attached, but do not completely rid the natural lash of adhesive residue and can take hours when trying to remove at home (honesly, who has time for that?!). Easiest and safest (not to mention quickest) way to remove lashes when you're ready for a break or just want them off is to book a removal appointment.

+ Why don't my lashes look like my friends?

Everybody's lash lines are completely different, in fact your own two eyes are different! The outcome will vary depending on how many natural lashes you have, the strength of those natural lashes, and if there are any gaps between natural lashes. Eye shape plays a large factor in this as well! If you are determinded to have a specific look, you might consider a more volumious set. Someone with 75 natural lashes cannot achieve the same Classic Set as someone with 150 natural lashes. I have taken several styling courses and will assess your eye shape and lash condition to be able to help you choose your perfect style!

+ I've read lash extensions damage natural lashes, is this true!?

Yes, and no... If improperly applied (not isolated, too much weight or length), lash extensions can damage your natural lashes, and lead to a sadder, more sparse lash line. If not isolated properly (where two or more extensions and/or natural lashes are stuck together) one lash can (and will) grow faster and lead to the slower growing lash being pulled out (sometimes painfully!) Also, if too much weight is applied to a lash, it can cause damage to your follicle and prevent your lash from growing back! But if properly applied (proper isolation, weight and length) extensions will not damage your natural lashes, and will leave them just as beautiful as they were before extensions. Aftercare is also exteremly important to maintaining healthy lashes! Cleansing the eyes will help keep the lash line free of debris (dead skin cells, makeup, etc) allowing your naturals to grow as they always have. If you fail to keep your lash line clean, it can suffocate your lash line, which prevents your natural lashes from growing.

Sad but true fact: Cheap lashes aren't good, and good lashes aren't cheap! It takes time and (expensive) continuous training to become a great lash artist. Lash extensions are in a weird grey area right now in the beauty industry and aren't regulated as much as they should be... Some places add lash extensions to their menus to make a quick buck, and don't care to take proper training to ensure the best quality services are being performed. They also don't care about your lash health or how your eyes will look after the extensions come off. Do your research!

+ What is a keratin lash lift?

Similar to a regular lash lift, but with the added benefits of Keratin. Lash Lifts utilize solutions to break down the bonds of your lash hair and allows them to be restructured into the desired curl. They help add the appearance of length, curl and when paired with a Lash Tint give a nice mascara-like (but oh, so much better) appearance. This process can dry out your lashes and cause them to be brittle (or break!), especially if your natural lashes aren't exactly the strongest.

So how does Keratin change Lash Lifts? Gone are the days of frizzed out lashes from a lash lift gone wrong. Keratin Lash Lifts strengthen your natural lashes while giving a long lasting curl! This means they are suitable for everyone and every lash*! Your hair, nails and skin are all made up of keratin, so Keratin helps to strengthen your natural lashes. Keratin Lash Lifts can last 6-10 weeks depending on your lash cycle, and can be performed every 8 weeks.

  • If your lashes are too short, broken or fine, the lash lift may not be ideal. Most people are able to sucessfully get and maintain a Lash Lift though!

+ Is there an age restriction for servcies??

As long as you have parental or guardian concent there is no age restriction for services! Please have your parent or guardian fill out and sign the intake form for you.

+ Have a question that wasn't answered?

Or want to know more about any answers listed above? You can fill out the Question form on the Contact page, text me at (253)260.5031 or email
